Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Digital document structures: Week 3 review

rss feed

rss feed: Feedly
Started a feed reader site on Feedly. I did this last week but something went awry. Focussed on the embedding rss into my Google Site, spent some time last week looking around at various options for feeds. Have organised some feeds.

Spent some time thinking about managing my personal information and thinking about the level of engagement I have choosing the content to follow. What I like, what I really like, what I love, what I feel like I should be following, what I impulsively follow, what I don't want certain people to know I follow. 
Is following an identity thing?
Am I painting a picture of myself when I follow?
Do I care? Do people care? Self awareness.. etc and so on and so forth.
I'm talking more about Twitter 'followings' here. (plus Facebook of course. ) Feedly is more personal perhaps - or is it? I need to investigate, or double check. SO many new accounts. I've been thinking a lot about social media, its role and how it is used and how I use it. What is its function to me, do I utilise it... I can go on. But these have been the churnings in my thoughts over the last few weeks. Many questions to answer explore and note.

Created a Flickr account. I have had one before. I've just put up some illustrations as it was quick and easy for me to do. I try to keep personal photos private. I'd like to investigate categorising in Flickr. later. I have investigated privacy setting and set up some albums.

I'm now a Trove corrector. I have done one page.
Trove: before



I've had a go in Wikipedia, signed in etc.
I'd like to create a page, even if it is just a tiny start, as is the nature of contributions from any interested party, for Japanese animator Mirai Mizue. Tweet

Endnote exercise
I ran out of time to do this, but I did use Endnote when I did a Masters by coursework. I definitely need to review it though. Especially for this week's work.

Tch tch

So. In the last few minutes I have discovered, whilst trying to embed this blog into my site, that Google Sites has a setting when you create a new page, for "announcements" which functions like a blog.

Useful. I can't believe I didn't explore that - I did look for it as an option and also thought it should have it as a Google Site function. I just assumed that because Blogger is a Google app and because I've embedded a Twitter feed that I could embed a blog feed. It appears that this used to be an option. Possibly there is a work around (note my use of this new phrase "work around" - new to me).

Weirdly I'd prefer to blog here! Am I prepared to do both perhaps? I may just do that.

Is it noteworthy that I just wrote "bother" instead of "both"

Introduction to the quietly blog.

Welcome to me, as I suspect I will be the only one here for most of the time.

Here I start a study blog, I may revert to my old one. Here I will take notes and expand on thoughts, explorations, studies and anything I care to link to regarding the course I am doing online.

It will start messy but become tidied as I go.

Today's blog
Today I have realised that despite being completely inspired by actually engaging in study, and also being inspired by the content so far, plus being ensconced in my work during study times, I have found that after a bit of a break (years) from being at my, or working at my desk, being online can have a myriad of distractions. We all know this. I thought I had a technique to help me work efficiently and to focus 100% - though I have found that the social media component of my studies has at times led me into a haze of internet exploration and dithery browsing.

Maybe this is just a place for catharsis.

Actually, I for assessment I am to keep note of my learning and engagement in the course content and I can't stand recording things onto my new website, started for the course and assignment. Twitter is working nicely - though I often can't expand on all of the things going on in my mind as I go. Just quietly (had to do it), there have actually been quite a few epiphanies - funnily enough.  Must catch them, and put them down.

Who I am
I have worked in animation, illustration, taught at various Uni's and have also worked in some remote communities in NT and FNQ. I love to draw, and have previously been a musician and artist. Those things are still around, just not at the forefront. That's it. That's who I am. In a nutshell.

My website inkwinks showcases some of my creative work.

Here is my other blog that focusses/ed largely on animation and was set up initially as my research blog in 2004.

What I am currently doing
Information Management at RMIT
Currently studying The Digital Information Environment course online.